In Robot Wars: Advanced Destruction, based on the BBC television series (seen on TNN in the United States), players build robots and fight for supremacy, against computer-controlled opponents or robots designed by another player. Robots are limited to 100kg in weight, making careful selection of the various parts (chassis, motor, power source, traction, armor, and weapons) part of the strategy. Arsenal choices feature weapons -- such as circular saws, axes, lances, flamethrowers, and more -- and combat zones include an acid factory, iron foundry, desert encampment, and arctic station.Solo players have three options for play: Championship Mode (knockout tournament consisting of seven rounds and eight robot challengers), Vengeance Battle Mode (one-on-one combat), or Robot Mayhem Mode (battle against all 21 pre-built robots with a maximum of four in the arena at the same time). The 16 pre-built robots include Behemoth, Cassius II, Chaos 2, Diotoir, Dominator II, Hypno-Disc, Mortis INFRANOR, Onslaught, Panic Attack, Plunderbird 4, Pussycat, Razer, Stinger, Terrorhurtz, Tornado, and 101. Up to four custom-made robots can be saved at any given time. In Championship and Vengeance Battle modes, only three robots are initially available, with defeated robots becoming available for later use. Completing Robot Mayhem mode unlocks the BBC property Sir Killalot, with other Robot Wars creations Sgt. Bash, Shunt, Matilda, and Dead Metal rounding out the full field of 21 robots. Up to four players can compete via link cable in timed deathmatches or trade custom-built robots.